Category Archives: Web Designing Institute

Dreamweaver Table Properties

The Properties panel in Dreamweaver 8 allows you to control the appearance and configuration of most elements in your Dreamweaver document. The Properties panel allows you to create and configure tables within your document.

Create a table by inserting it into the document. Click on the tag to bring up the Table Properties panel. You can also click on the and tags to bring up a Table Properties panel that will apply your preferences to just those table elements. The Table Properties panel is visually divided into top and bottom sections.

The Table Properties panel allows you to assign a name or other identifier to your table, using the Table ID field. You can also define the number of rows and columns in your table by changing the numbers within the Row and Column fields in this panel.

The Table Properties panel allows you to define the width and height properties of the table. These values are ignored if the content in your table exceeds the set boundaries.

CellPad allows you to define the padding around each cell of the table.

CellSpace allows you to define the number of pixels between each cell.

A pull-down menu that contains pre-defined alignment options controls the alignment within the table cells that contains pre-defined alignment options.

Border allows you to define a table border. A “0” value indicates no border.

Class allows you to select any available CSS classes or create a CSS class for your table.

The bottom section of the Table Properties panel contains controls that allow you to set the background colour, background image and border colour for your table. The background colour will accept a hex value. Alternately, you can choose your colours using the colour picker.

If you plan to use a background image, enter the file system path to the background image in the Bg Image text box. The box also provides a browse function for you to locate the image file.

You can also set the colour of your table borders, as long as your border size is not set to “0.” If it is, this option will be unavailable.

We’ll continue our examination of the Properties Panel in a future post.

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Web Designing Training Classes Gujarat


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Dreamweaver Tutorials

Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the leading software applications for creating and designing web pages and web sites. The application has its roots in allowing the easy design web pages using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment, but today also supports a wide range of other web technologies as well, including JavaScript and CSS, and server based scripting technologies such as ASP.NET, ColdFusion, JSP (Java Server Pages) and PHP.

Dreamweaver, which was originally developed by Macromedia (who were taken over and merged into Adobe Systems Incorporated in December 2005), is available for both Apple Macintosh computers and PCs using the Microsoft Windows operating systems. Although the program should arguably be a key part of every professional web designer’s toolkit, is probably fair to say that Dreamweaver interoperates especially well with other Adobe (and former Macromedia) tools such as Adobe Fireworks. It should also be noted that templates created in Dreamweaver can also be used with Adobe Contribute, which is a multi-user application that allows several people to work on editing a web site, all at the same time.

Although Dreamweaver does have a very clean and well thought-out user interface, simply because it incorporates some many capabilities, it can be quite to daunting to learn how to use, especially for users who lack extensive previous experience in web technologies. However, there are many excellent web sites, software tutorials, and, of course books, that can help new users to master the program. With the help of these types of resources, you might be surprised how easy it is to learn Dreamweaver.

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Web Designing Training


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Discussing Adobe CS3 Design Courses Simplified

If you’d like to get involved in a web design team, Adobe Dreamweaver is a fundamental criteria for getting relevant qualifications recognised globally. The whole Adobe Web Creative Suite should also be understood comprehensively. This will introduce you to Action Script and Flash, (and more), and means you’ll be in a position to take your ACP (Adobe Certified Professional) or an ACE (Adobe Certified Expert) certification.

To develop into a professional web-designer however, you’ll have to get more diverse knowledge. You’ll need to bolt on programming skills like PHP, HTML, and MySQL. An excellent grasp of E-Commerce and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) will help when talking to employers.

Finding your first job in the industry is often made easier if you’re supported with a Job Placement Assistance service. The fact of the matter is it isn’t so complicated as you might think to find the right work – as long as you’re correctly trained and certified; because there’s still a great need for IT skills in the UK today.

Whatever you do, don’t procrastinate and wait until you have qualified before bringing your CV up to date. The day you start training, mark down what you’re doing and place it on jobsites! You’ll often find that you’ll land your initial role whilst still on the course (occasionally right at the beginning). If your CV doesn’t show your latest training profile (and it hasn’t been posted on jobsites) then you don’t stand a chance! The most reliable organisations to get you a new position are most often specialised and independent recruitment consultants. As they’re keen to place you to receive their commission, they’re perhaps more focused on results.

Certainly ensure you don’t spend hundreds of hours on your training and studies, and then do nothing more and expect somebody else to secure your first position. Take responsibility for yourself and make your own enquiries. Invest as much resource into landing a good job as it took to pass the exams.

Usually, trainers will provide a bunch of books and manuals. Learning like this is dull and repetitive and not really conducive to remembering. Research has constantly confirmed that an ‘involved’ approach to study, where we utilise all our senses, will more likely produce memories that are deeper and longer-lasting.

Fully interactive motion videos utilising video demo’s and practice lab’s will turn you off book-based study for ever more. And you’ll find them fun and interesting. It makes sense to see some examples of the kind of training materials you’ll be using before you make your decision. You should expect video tutorials, instructor demo’s and interactive audio-visual sections with practice modules.

It doesn’t make sense to opt for on-line only training. Because of the variable quality and reliability of all internet service providers, ensure that you have access to actual CD or DVD ROM’s.

Students often end up having issues because of one area of their training which is often not even considered: The method used to ‘segment’ the courseware before being physically delivered to you. A release of your materials stage by stage, according to your exam schedule is how things will normally arrive. This sounds logical, but you should take these factors into account: Often, the staged breakdown offered by the provider doesn’t suit. What if you find it hard to complete each and every section at the speed required?

To be straight, the perfect answer is to have their ideal ‘order’ of training laid out, but make sure you have all of your learning modules right from the beginning. Everything is then in your possession in the event you don’t complete everything within their ideal time-table.

Don’t put too much store, like so many people do, on the training course itself. Training for training’s sake is generally pointless; this is about employment. Begin and continue with the end in mind. It’s a testament to the marketing skills of the big companies, but a large percentage of students kick-off study that often sounds fabulous from the syllabus guide, but which delivers a career that is of no interest at all. Speak to a selection of college leavers for examples.

It’s essential to keep your focus on where you want to get to, and formulate your training based on that – avoid getting them back-to-front. Keep your eyes on your goals and begin studying for an end-result that’ll reward you for many long and fruitful years. Look for help from a professional advisor who ‘gets’ the commercial realities of the area you’re interested in, and who can give you ‘A typical day in the life of’ outline of what you’ll actually be doing during your working week. It’s sensible to understand whether or not this is right for you well before you commence your studies. There’s really no point in starting to train only to find you’ve gone the wrong way entirely.

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Web Designing Training


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Develop Websites More Effectively With Dreamweaver

As a web surfer you are sure to have noticed that many sites you visit contain a lot of content that changes and updates regularly.

The advantage of connecting with your customers via the World Wide Web is that your portal is flexible and can be changed at a moment’s notice. Unlike traditional advertising, such as newspaper adverts, you can make adaptations to your site whenever you feel the need as Dreamweaver gives you the option to store information used in your site into easy-to-find folders. This can ensure that you can change the design and content of your portal in line with consumer demand and trends.

For instance, if you are in the business of home furnishings you may like to change the items shown on your introductory page in keeping with current trends. As you get started with Dreamweaver, you are free to take advantage of the software’s easy-to-use functions that do not require you to have an in-depth knowledge of codes that build websites. If you prefer to get stuck in and bypass the more technical aspects of the application you may like to work entirely from its Design View, when constructing your site.

This allows you to insert information on to your web pages using a basic point-and-click method. You are free to add text, graphics and many other kinds of data, such as tables, using Dreamweaver. The advantage of using Design View is that you see how your web page looks as you add this information.

More experienced web users may prefer to use the software’s code view when designing their website, which shows the technical language used by Dreamweaver to form pages. If you have some knowledge of codes you may like to work directly with them, if you require more information on this subject you are free to attend training courses that can expand your knowledge.

If you are looking to store information that may make it onto your website you are advised to consider setting up local sites. These can be located on your hard drive and they are handy for storing data and can also help you to organise your files and folders. In addition, local sites are also good locations in which to develop your website and store information that can help you make improvements to it. Within this dedicated space, you may like to divide up data so that when you come to use it, it is easy to locate and upload.

For instance, you could keep individual sections of your website in separate folders, so if you needed to alter a specific part of your portal, such as a gallery of photos, you can immediately find this sector. Web users often like to divide their folders into sections that correspond with options found on the navigation bars of their websites. Other media, such as Flash files and videos can also have their own dedicated space on your local site, which can aid you when it comes to changing the content of your portal.

As well as being able to access these folders to quickly upload media, you can also use local sites as a developmental space. This dedicated area can also be shared with others who may like to get involved with the creation of your website, which is ideal for those hoping to collaborate with other web builders.

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Web Designing Training Classes Gujarat


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Web Design Courses Part 1 – Where to Go and What to Do

Thinking of taking web design courses in London but feel a bit bewildered; well you have come to the right place. This article will consider the choices available to you and analyse each of their pros and cons. However, what is ideal for someone else might not be ideal for you. When deciding what avenue to pursue, have a long think about your availability and financial position before committing to a course. The three options available to your are: 1) independent learning 2) university course or 3) a course from either a higher college or web design company.

Independent Learning

The simple way to get your foot through the door would be to do your own independent learning. Since we live in such a resourceful age, you can easily find books, magazines and website links on how to begin. YouTube is also option. Simply type in ‘web design tutorial’ and you will be engulfed by a wealth of videos from other beginners to industry professionals. Learning how to design websites could not come much easier than that.

Advantages of Independent Learning

+ A convenient and cost efficient approach

+ A quick £17.90 purchase on Amazon (£18.84 from WH Smith) or a free video clip will get you started right away

Disadvantages of Independent Learning

– No professional to offer help with things you don’t understand

– Potentially counterproductive; if you hit a stumbling stock, you may be unable to carry on learning

– Have to be self-motivated

University Degree

Universities are chalked full of IT courses; some offering straight web design degrees, while others offer IT degrees that include specific modules. For example, the University of Northampton has a large list of joint web design degrees with other subjects. With a University degree, you will have an array of books and other useful resources to aid you in your studies.

Advantages of University degrees

+ A wealth of knowledge (both practical and theory based)

+ A platform to participate in several projects that will improve your web design skills

+ Learning from highly educated tutors from a variety of backgrounds

+ Degree or masters qualification

Disadvantages of University degrees

– Not as straightforward as a short course or independent learning

– Need to have the required qualifications for the degree or masters

– Time to learn and study (3 years for undergraduate or 1 year for postgraduate)

– Applying for a student loan to cover your tuition fees and accommodation or transport expenses (depending on if you plan to commute or live on campus)

– Time management if you intend to work while completing your degree

– Some of the projects you work on may be tedious

Web Design Courses

If you’re looking for the best of both worlds (the freedom of independent learning and the expertise of a University degree) then a course at either a web design company or higher education collage might suit you. Whether you’re a beginner with no coding background or a professional looking to gain more control over their business website; you will be able to learn something new. A simple Google search will bring several courses situated around London. Generally speaking, this is my best bet for learning.

Advantages of courses

+ Comprehensive training from professionals who speak the language

+ Courses are designed to suit each individual

+ If you feel you need to learn more, you can always take another course to further your knowledge

+ Learn as fast or slow as you like with a trainer on hand to help

+ A combination of degree professionalism and independent learning flexibility

Disadvantages of courses

– Upfront payment

– You have to attend all the lessons (either weekend or evening) to gain your certificate or qualification

– Some of your free time may be lost whilst participating in the course

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Web Designing Training Classes Gujarat


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The Power Of Adobe Dreamweaver

Learn how to use Adobe Dreamweaver today

Web development is a growing field. Everyday millions of people are commonly establishing their own business designing complex web pages; web design is easy if you have all the right resources. I have found that Total Training is a wonderful resource! Let’s face it we are in the technology era, web pages are essential to today’s life. They are everywhere you looked and it is essential to learn how to design web pages in today’s design world.

Their dvd and online teachers are handpicked from the finest web designers. With them I have learned how to master web site building at my own speed. All of their products are reasonably priced and I will never be left out in the cold again; I would encourage you to start learning with them today.

How do I learn web design?

Let me tell you about there company. If you haven’t already heard their dvds will train you everything you need to know about Adobe Dreamweaver. Also, they offer training videos on almost every popular software product on the market today. These dvds are taught by some of the most successful web designers in today’s growing industry. Their dvds are affordable and practical for anyone starting out in the web development world, even the most advanced web designers will find our high quality training dvds a very valuable resource that you can use throughout your web designed career.

I can’t stress enough how important these dvds are, you can learn to create web design after all at your own pace and for a affordable price. If dvds are not how you learn you can even learn these online, by purchasing a special code offered at thier web site Learn Adobe Dreamweaver 24 hours a day from the comfort of your own home. These dvd’s are great for beginners and even the most advanced web designers. Don’t be left behind in today’s web development world make sure you get your hands on their resources today, and expand your web designed skills!

Don’t be left out in the cold today and discover what millions of people have already discovered.

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Web Designing Training Courses


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Learn Photoshop CS3

Adobe Systems Incorporated is well known for their range of software for creative professionals. In particular, they develop and market a range of software for graphic design, web development, video editing and prepress/publishing. Many of their most popular programs, which include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Dreamweaver (previously known as “Macromedia Dreamweaver”), Adobe Fireworks (previously “Macromedia Fireworks”) and Adobe Flash (previously “Macromedia Flash”) are available in versions for both Apple Macintosh computers (including both x86 Intel Macs, and PowerPC Macs) and PCs running the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Today if you were to want to purchase the latest versions of most Adobe software, you’ll notice that they are branded for CS3 (CS3 stands for “Creative Suite 3”). Creative Suite also refers to the fact that bundles containing various collections of Adobe programs are available – these include Design Standard, Design Premium, Web Standard, Web Premium, Production Premium and Master Collection. Each of these collections contains a different combination of software packages, but all versions, except Design Standard include a copy of either Adobe Photoshop CS3 or Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended.

In general, each of these packages represent excellent value for money – where else could you get a collection of professional design and development tools at such an affordable price? However, you should be aware that these are sophisticated feature-rich software tools, intended of being capable of professional work, if you want to get the most from them, especially from Photoshop CS3, it does require some learning. It’s possible to go to training classes, but if you don’t have the time or the money, an alternative is to use one of the excellent software training packages or Photoshop training web sites that are available.

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Web Design Classes Ahmedabad


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Why is Dreamweaver So Popular?

Dreamweaver is by far the most popular web creation software amongst users ranging from novices to experienced web site designers. Why is this? It’s a relatively expensive package and there are lots of other web creation applications out there to choose from, so what makes Dreamweaver so special? The answer lies in the way Dreamweaver has been designed and supported, first by Macromedia and now by Adobe. We’ll look at the design features first then the support features.

Dreamweaver design features
From its early beginnings Dreamweaver has been designed as a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) web editor, but with the resulting HTML code easily viewable and editable. To illustrate this in the latest version , ensure you have launched Dreamweaver CS4 and are currently viewing the Welcome Screen (this has a green bar at the screen top).

Click the option “HTML” under the “Create new” column. In the resulting new blank page add a 3 x 3 table. To do this click on the Table button on the Insert Toolbar (the toolbar should be there by default, but if not choose, Window, Insert).

To view the HTML code click on the “Code” button on the same toolbar. To see a split view click on “Split”, so you can work on the design and resulting code at the same time. To return to the initial view click on “Design”.

Dreamweaver allows you to change views in this way so different kinds of users can work in the view best suited to their needs. So beginners might only work in Design View to add items such as text, tables and images whereas HTML coders might work directly in code or split view.

For more experienced users the other options under the “Create New” column in the Welcome Screen all create new HTML pages but with specialised coding options also available, for example PHP or ASP to work with databases. So Dreamweaver has the capability to be used in different ways for a variety of different users needs. Next we’ll look at Dreamweaver support features.

Dreamweaver support features
If you go to the Adobe Dreamweaver Support Centre website and click on “Dreamweaver Online Help” you’ll see that there lots of help and support topics including tutorials, template samples and add-on downloads. The help topics range from introductory level subjects such as how to build your first website to more advanced subjects such as how to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). There’s also a Dreamweaver forum to discuss issues and a Dreamweaver Developer Centre for guidance on more advanced topics.

In addition Dreamweaver has also always been available as a free, fully functioning 30 day trial download. So if you’re a budding web designer just starting out you can learn a lot in 30 days with the trial application and the online tutorials. If you decide to purchase Dreamweaver you can then convert the trial to a full version by purchasing a serial number.

There are help and support links available in Dreamweaver itself as well. Launch Dreamweaver CS4 and you’re taken to the Welcome Screen. On the lower left under “Getting Started” you’ll see various very useful online help links covering introductory and more advanced topics.

On the central panel in the Welcome screen you’ll see two columns, “Create New” and “Top Features (videos)”. Under “Top Features (videos)” you’ll see links to short help videos which demonstrate particular Dreamweaver topics, so in addition to traditional text based help, including downloadable PDF files, you can now choose help topics from an expanding video library for CS4, with topics for beginners to more advanced users.

So all in all there is a wealth of online help and support catering for many different levels of users needs, with help available in different formats. There’s also help for users of previous versions of Dreamweaver. This level of user support means that whether you’re a raw beginner or an experienced web designer you should be able to find help relevant to your interests.

Dreamweaver has been successfully designed to cater for different levels of users with help available for different skill levels and in different formats. To really learn how to use Dreamweaver CS4 to its full potential you might consider attending a tutor lead training course, enabling you to focus on the key features relevant to your needs.

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Web Designing Training Classes Gujarat


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Designing Websites With DreamWeaver

With Adobe® Dreamweaver®, you can quickly and easily design, develop, and maintain websites and web applications from start to finish.

It has been built for both web designers and developers; Dreamweaver offers the choice of working in an intuitive visual layout interface or a streamlined coding environment. Intelligent integration with other Adobe products including Photoshop®, Illustrator®, Fireworks®, Flash® and Contribute® software. This ensures efficient workflow across your favourite tools and speeds up the web design process.

DreamWeaver is a superb application that lets you take advantage of all the flexibility and power of a world-class web design tool whilst being able to manipulate pixel-perfect designs in design view, craft complex code in code view, or do a little of each.

By linking to other Adobe products, DreamWeaver lets web designers and coders design, develop, and maintain content within Dreamweaver while taking advantage of intelligent integration with other tools, including Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop, Contribute®, and new Device Central for creating mobile device content.

The workspace in DreamWeaver is completely customisable. This makes working in DreamWeaver really simple. You can move commonly used tools and save their positions, toolbars and layouts so that the workspace is the most efficient setup for how you work. Web design has never been more personal or easy.

When this workspace flexibility in DreamWeaver is combined with the many shortcuts included in the application, such as AJAX support, complete CSS support, integrating coding at the click of a button, XML support and support for leading technologies including HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, ColdFusion, ASP, ASP.NET, and JSP, Dreamweaver becomes the application of choice for web designers and developers everywhere.

Outside of the application is a huge community of support for DreamWeaver. Web designers can enjoy all the benefits of the extensive Dreamweaver community, including the online Adobe Design Centre and Adobe Developer Centre, training and seminars, developer certification programs, user forums, and more than 1,000 downloadable extensions available in the Dreamweaver Exchange.

In the newest release of DreamWeaver, CS3, there is also a separate site dedicated to cross-browser support. This is particularly useful when testing your web designs in several different browsers.

On the subject of CSS, DreamWeaver has a huge amount of integrated support for web design projects with CSS.

Developers can easily incorporate CSS into a project with the new CSS layouts. Extensive comments in each template explain the layout, so beginner and intermediate designers can learn quickly. Each template can be customized for your project, and the advisor website supports the whole process with a free online community.

Designers can also move CSS code from inline to head, from head to external sheet, from document to document, or between external sheets. Cleaning up existing CSS in older pages has never been easier than in DreamWeaver.

From inception to layout, from coding to CSS, DreamWeaver has all the tools that today’s web design community needs to create intuitive, attractive and interactive websites.

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Web Designing Training Courses


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Why You Need Photoshop to Build a Complete Website With Dreamweaver

As everybody knows by now, we are all living in the digital age and more and more stuff is being done on a computer. In the past if somebody wanted to get information out they put it in a newspaper or magazine or did some other form of direct advertising. And if a person wanted to contact and associate to show them something new or give them some information, they either did it through phone or mail.

In the day and age that we live in now, almost everything can be seen or previewed on the internet, and the internet has now become a major source for large businesses and small business owners to increase their presence and make a lot of money. So if your one of the many that want to get a web presence and don’t know how to build a website you have a choice to either build one yourself, get your “I.T.” friend to build it for you, or pay somebody to build it for you.

If you’ve chosen to build your website yourself and aren’t an expert with code, your going to have to use a webpage editor to build a website. And Adobe Dreamweaver is the absolute best because of all it’s features and extreme ease of use. The only problem with Dreamweaver is that it’s an advanced web editor and coding tool, but it’s not a tool that you can use to build banners and fancy backgrounds. If you want to get the fancy backgrounds and banners that you see on other sites the only way to build them yourself is with photoshop.

A complete website can be build with Dreamweaver but a high graphics site can only be build with Dreamweaver if you use another coding or graphics program such as, Flash, Java, or Photoshop. If you combine these programs with Dreamweaver you can build a truly great site.

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Web Designing Training


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